About UCC: Contacts, Locations, Campus, Phone Number and Postal Address

About UCC: Contacts, Locations, Campus, Phone Number and Postal Address.
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University of Cape Coast, UCC Contacts , UCC Contact Address and Location, University of Cape Coast Contact Number, Email, Website, Campuses and Postal Address,”… Full details below.

University of Cape Coast UCC Contacts Details

The Registrar, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Telephone: +233 [03321]32440, +233 [03321] 32480-9
Fax: +233 [03321] 32484
Email: registrar@ucc.edu.gh

Address: UCC Campus
Postal address: PMB
City: Cape Coast
Region: Central
Telephone: 033 2132484

033 2132419
033 2132480
033 2132483
033 2133214

Fax: 033 2132484
033 2132485

UCC Contact Us Page: http://www.ucc.edu.gh/contact-us

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