Check GA/GGTA Annual Conference Schedule – 2018/2019

Ghana Geographers Association / Ghana Geography Teachers Annual Conference 2018/2019: University of Ghana, UG Call For Abstract – 2018 GGA / GGTA Annual Conference

(Ghana Geographers Association / Ghana Geography Teachers Annual Conference)
Venue:   Department of Geography Education, University of Education, Winneba.
Conference Date:   7th – 11th August, 2018.
Theme:   Geography – The missing link in Ghana’s development agenda.
The theme for the GGA/GGTA Annual conference 2018 is “Geography – The missing link in Ghana’s development agenda”. This theme is necessitated by the fact that in the overall scheme of Ghana’s development drive, the concept of Geography and Geographers seems to be relegated to the background, leaving a huge development gap and sustainability questions.
This is seen in terms of lack of spatial thinking in development planning, lack of regional balance, poor location identification and boundary disputes. There is also poor infrastructural planning and implementation and above all lack of citizen’s understanding of geography and importance of geographic considerations in everyday living. Geographers are not included in important national decisions whiles the teaching and learning of Geography in second and third cycles institutions are not well supported. The quintessential questions are:

  1. At what scale are geography and geographers missing in Ghana’s development agenda?
  2. How did the neglect of geography start and how far has it gone?
  3. How do we fix this problem by making geography relevant to Ghana’s development agenda?

It is against this background that this conference seeks to highlight the extent of geography exclusion in
Ghana’s development drive, the need for inclusion of geography and geographers in national development and how geography can be made the cornerstone of Ghana’s development.
Plenary Session

  1. The role of geography in national development
  2. Why is geography missing in Ghana’s national development agenda?
  3. What do we need to do to include geography in the national development agenda?


  • Geography and environment
  • Geopolitics
  • Geography of crime
  • Geography education and national development
  • Urban planning and land use
  • Agriculture geography
  • Geography and transportation
  • GIS and Geospatial techniques
  • Geography and health
  • Climate change and environmental hazards
  • Teaching geography
  • Any other related themes

Poster Session
The poster session will be organized as a poster competition with the top three posters being awarded a prize of GHC500, GHC300 and GHC200 respectively.
Deadline for submission: 30th May, 2018.
Submit to:
For enquiries, contact 0243778237

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