Inaugural PhD cohort of Pan African University is releasesed

Inaugural PhD cohort of Pan African University is releasesed

The Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation has graduated the first batch of PhD students admitted in March 2015.

The 14 candidates drawn from 8 countries were crowned during the Institute’s third convocation ceremony; held on Friday June 29, 2018.


At the event, additional 32 masters degrees were conferred, bringing the total number of graduands drawn from 19 African countries to 46.

The graduation of the inaugural batch of doctorate candidates as well as the crowning of the third masters cohort is a significant milestone in PAUSTI’s bid to produce qualified human resources in the areas of mathematics, molecular biology, engineering and biotechnology.

The third PAUSTI graduation was held alongside that of the host institution – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT); which was marking its 31st convocation ceremony.

Speaking at the joint graduation ceremony, JKUAT Chancellor Prof. Geoffrey Maloiy urged the graduands to deploy their knowledge and provide innovative answers to pressing challenges facing the continent.

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In a speech, Kenya’s Education Cabinet Secretary, Amina Mohamed lauded the PAU implementing partners; reiterating government’s commitment towards successful implementation of PAUSTI.

“The graduation constitutes a milestone in the African Union’s dream to unite the continent through higher education and research,” Amb. Amina said.

The CS was represented by Zeinab Hussein, Principal Secretary, State Department of Post-Training and Skills Development.

Pan African University Council President, Prof. Pierre Dominique Nzinnzi said that through proper adoption of science and technology, Africa could achieve its cultural and social transformation.


Prof. Nzinzi challenged the graduands to emulate their predecessors who have become notable contributors in industry and academia; and make a difference in their respective areas of specialization for Africa’s good.

JKUAT Vice Chancellor Prof. Mabel Imbuga said the graduation was an important milestone to both JKUAT and PAUSTI, as it marked a significant step in integration of Africa through higher education and research, as espoused in the PAU objectives.

The graduation ceremony was also graced by the Pan African University Rector, Prof. Kassa Belay and PAUSTI Director, Prof. Gabriel Magoma

PAU is a flagship project of the African Union; founded in 2010 to promote Africa’s socio-economic transformation and integration. It is implemented through a network of excellent universities based in the five nodes of Africa. The JKUAT based PAUSTI graduated its inaugural batch of students in November 2014.

Currently, PAU has a total student enrolment of 1370; drawn from 46 member states of the African Union. In addition the University, through its four operational hubs has graduated a total of 522 students; 16 with PhDs.


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