International Summer School Extends Application Deadline for Ghanaian Applicants

This is to inform the general public that International Summer School Application Deadline for Ghanaian Applicants is extended.
It is announced for the information of the University Community and the general public that  application deadline for Ghanaian applicants for the International Summer School on CONSTRUCTING RESEARCH FRAMEWORKS ON THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN AFRICA’S POLICY ENVIRONMENT has been extended to 20th February, 2018 (12:00pm GMT+1)
The Conference will be held from 2-14 April 2018 at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Please note that the new deadline applies to:

  • Doctoral candidates with a social science background enrolled at Ghanaian universities
  • Postdocs with a social science background at Ghanaian universities, who have completed a doctoral programme within the last 5 years

For more information regarding the summer school as well as the application process please consult the Call for Applications in attachment.


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