Karatina University Graduation Ceremony Schedule & Programme of Events

Karatina University Graduation Ceremony Schedule & Programme of Events.

Karatina University Graduation Ceremony

Karatina University is pleased to announce the 6th  Graduation Ceremony to be held on Friday, 2nd November, 2018 at 9.00 a.m. The ceremony will be held at Karatina University Main Campus at Kagochi. All graduands are advised to take note of the following pertinent information:

Confirmation of Results and  Names:
The list of graduands is available here (Click to download).  

Confirmation  of examination results,  accuracy  and  order  of  names SHOULD be made with the respective Deans of Schools latest by Friday 19th October 2018 to allow for production of certificates.

Only graduands who will have cleared with the respective departments of the University by Friday 19th October, 2018 will be allowed to graduate.

Graduation Fees:
Graduands are required to pay Alumni fees of Ksh1,000 in addition to hire of gowns and convocation fee as follows:

  1. Diploma –KES 4,500.00
  2. Undergraduate- KES 5,500.00
  3. Masters–KES 6,500.00
  4. PhD-KES 8,500.00

Payments should be made to any of the following Karatina University Bank Accounts:

Equity Bank: Account Number: 0040298291603 (Karatina Branch)

or Cooperative Bank: Account Number: 01129059776700 (Karatina Branch).

Academic Attire:
All graduands will be required to be in full academic attire during the rehearsal and graduation ceremonies. The attire shall be issued from respective schools from Monday, 29th   October 2018 (during working hours) upon full clearance and payment of graduation fees.

The rehearsal is an integral part of the graduation ceremony and as such all graduands intending to participate in the ceremony must attend the rehearsal on Thursday, 1sNovember 2018 from 11.00 am.

Return of Gowns:
All graduands are expected to return the academic attire by Friday, 9th   November 2018. A penalty of KES.500.00 per day shall be levied for any attire returned after the deadline.

Invitation Cards:
Graduands shall be issued with two (2) invitation cards from the respective schools as they collect the gowns.

For more details call:


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