Kisumu Girls High indefinite closure because of Night unrest

Kisumu Girls High indefinite closure because of Night unrest

Maranda Boys High School in Siaya County has been closed indefinitely following students unrest protesting what they termed as mistreatment by the administration.

The students complained of strict boarding rules including the wake up time for their morning preps.


Siaya County Director of Education Japheth Masibo said he ordered the Wednesday closure to avert chaos.

The school closure comes hours after Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang warned the students against causing unrest in schools, saying those found culpable will be treated as criminals.

Maranda Boys becomes the fourth school to be closed this week after Kisumu Girls, Ngiya Girls and Chabli boys.

Ng’iya Girls High School was closed indefinitely after students rioted to push for the removal of one of their teachers.

Kisumu Girls High School was also closed after students boycotted classes and damaged property, accusing the management of high-handedness and running down the institution.

Chalbi Boys High School in Maikona, Marsabit County, on the other hand, was closed following an attack on six non-local teachers by students on Tuesday morning.


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