Nigerian Armed Forces Ranking Scale – Army, Navy & Air Force.
This page will give you the full details about Nigerian Armed Forces Ranking Scale, Nigerian Army Ranks and salary scale, Nigerian Navy ranks and salary scale, Nigerian Airforce ranks and salary scale. full details below..
As with every sovereign independent nation, the most important and essential priority is the protection of its territorial integrity. That is, the protection of the nation’s boundary. Each nation has an agency or agencies charged with the responsibility of performing this onerous task. The defence and protection of Nigeria’s territorial integrity lies within the purview of the Nigerian Armed Forces. In this treatise, we will consider the top ranks in the Nigerian Armed Forces.
The top ranks in the Nigerian Armed Forces will be broken down into 3 agencies: The Nigerian Army, Navy and Air Force. These three security outfits make up the Nigerian Armed Forces. Therefore, we would treat them separately and bring out the hierarchical structures of the three defence outfits.
Nigerian Armed Forces Ranking Scale – Army, Navy & Air Force
The Nigerian Armed Forces is made up of the Nigerian Navy, Army and Air Force.
Top Ranks In The Nigerian Army
The Nigerian Army is the land branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces and the largest among the armed forces. The major formations include the 1st Division, the 2nd Division, the 3rd Armoured Division, 81st Division, 82nd Division, and newly formed 7th Division.
The ranks include:
Commissioned Officers
- Field Marshal (5 star general and the highest rank in the Nigerian Army)
- General (4 star general)
- Lieutenant General (3 star general)
- Major General (2 star general)
- Brigadier General (1 star general)
- Colonel
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Major
- Captain
- Lieutenant
- Second Lieutenant.
Non Commissioned Officers
Non Commissioned officers consists of 8 ranks in the Nigerian Army and they are :
- Warrant Officer Class 1
- Warrant Officer Class 11
- Staff Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Lance Corporal
- Private
- Recruit
The Nigerian Navy is the sea branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces. The Nigerian Navy command structure today consists of the Naval Headquarters based in Abuja, three operational commands with headquarters in Lagos, Calabar, and Bayelsa. Training command is headquartered in Lagos but with training facilities spread all over Nigeria. There are five operational bases, five forward operational bases (with two more soon to come on stream), two dockyards located in Lagos and Port Harcourt and two fleets based in Lagos and Calabar.
The ranks are:
Commissioned Officers
- Admiral of the Fleet
- Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Rear Admiral
- Commodore
- Captain
- Commander
- Lieutenant Commander
- Lieutenant
- Sub-Lieutenant
- Acting Sub-Lieutenant
- Midshipman
Non Commissioned Officers
Non Commissioned officers consists of 7 ranks in the Nigerian Navy and they are :
- Warrant Chief Petty Officer.
- Chief Petty Officer.
- Petty Officer.
- Leading Rating.
- Able Rating (Seaman)
- Ordinary Rating(Seaman)
- Trainee
Top Ranks In The Nigerian Air Force
The Nigerian Air Force is the Air branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces. It was formally established in January 1964 with technical assistance from West Germany. Here are the ranks:
Commissioned Officers
- Marshal of the Air Force
- Air Chief Marshal
- Air Marshal
- Air Vice Marshal
- Air Commodore
- Group Captain
- Wing Commander
- Squadron Leader
- Flight Lieutenant
- Flying Officer
- Pilot Officer
Non Commissioned Officers
- Air Warrant Officer
- Master Warrant Officer
- Warrant Officer
- Flight Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Lance Corporal
- Aircraftman
- Recruit
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