Nursing Training College Admission Requirements 2020/2021

Nursing Training College Full Admission Requirements 2020/2021 – Nursing Training College Release Admission Requirements for 2020/2021 academic year.
 Bole Community Health Nursing Training College Admission Requirements
Here Below are the admission requirements for all nursing training colleges across Ghana. These requirements for the various programmes are to serve as a guide in the application process.

Nursing Training College Admission Requirements 2020/2021

All interested applicants are to read through carefully making sure that they fulfil the requirements before putting in an application online.


Auxiliary Programmes

  1. Community Health Nursing (CHN)
  2. Health Assistant Clinical (HAC)

Requirements for Auxiliary Programmes

Age 18 – 35 years
Overall Aggregate A cutoff aggregate score of Forty Eight A cutoff aggregate score of Thirty
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising (30) or better in six subjects,
3 core and 3 elective comprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and Minimum AT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three core AT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three core
Grades subjects subjects
i.e. English, Mathematics and i.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science. Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum AT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in three AT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
Grades Elective subjects Elective subjects

Diploma Programmes

Diploma Nursing programmes offered in Health Training Institutions are as follows:

  1. Registered General Nursing
  1. Registered Mental Nursing
  1. Registered Midwifery (Females only)
  2. Registered Community Health Nursing

Requirements for Basic Nursing Programmes


Age 18 – 35 years
Overall Aggregate An aggregate score of thirty (30) or better An aggregate score of Twenty Four
in six subjects, comprising  3 core and 3 (24) or better in six subjects,
elective comprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and Minimum Credits (A1  C6) in three Core Subjects i.e. Credits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
Grades English, Mathematics and Integrated i.e. English, Mathematics and
Science. Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum Credits (A1  C6) in three Elective Subjects. Credits (A  D) in three Electives
Grades Subjects.

Post Basic Programmes (BSc)

Requirements for qualification to post-basic nursing and midwifery programmes vary according to the programme of study.
Programme specific requirements are given in Table 7 below.
Age: Not more than 50 years, subject to medical fitness
Programme Specific Requirements for Post Basic programmes

Peri-Operative Nursing a. Mandatory one year RGN
Critical Care Nursing rotation/internship/national service RMN
ENT Nursing b.   Three years’ experience in a relevant RM
Ophthalmic Basic area OR two years’ work RCN
experience upon a request from a
(BSc) facility after internship.
Public Health Nursing a. Mandatory one year RGN
rotation/internship/national service RMN
b.   Three years’ experience in a relevant RM
(BSc) Basic area OR twoyears’ work RCN
experience upon a request from a
facility after internship.
Post Basic Midwifery a.   At least three (3) years’ experience in a Community Health Nurse
relevant Auxiliary area. Health Assistant Clinical
Anesthesiology (BSc) a.   At least one year General Nurse
rotation/internship/national service Mental Nurse
b.   Two years’ experience in a relevant Midwife
Basic area OR one year work Registered Community Health Nurse
experience upon a request from a
facility after internship.
BSc Environmental Health a.   Products from Accra School of d. Possess Diploma in
Hygiene. Environmental Health from
b.   Foreigners with HND Diploma KNUST, Kumasi
c.   WASSCE students with Pure e. Possess WAHEB/GHAHEB
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Pure Science WASSCE

 Certificate Programmes

  1. Environmental Health (HO AND TAMALE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE)

 Requirements for Certificate Programmes


Age 18 – 35 years
Overall Aggregate A cut off aggregate score of Forty Eight A cutoff aggregate score of Thirty Six
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising (36) or better in six subjects,
3 core and 3 elective comprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and Minimum AT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three core AT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three core
Grades subjects subjects
i.e. English, Mathematics and i.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science. Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum AT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in three AT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
Grades Elective subjects Elective subjects

Diploma Programmes

  1. Environmental Health (Diploma)
  2. Technical Officer (Dental Technology)
  1. Occupational Therapy
  2. Physiotherapy
  3. Community Nutrition
  4. Health Informatics
  5. Prosthesis and Orthotic Technology
  1. Optical Technology

Requirements for Diploma Programmes


Age 18 – 35 years
Overall Aggregate An aggregate score of thirty Six (36) An aggregate score of Twenty Four
or better in six subjects, comprising 3 (24) or better in six subjects,
core and 3 elective comprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and Minimum Grades Credits (A1  C6) in three Core Credits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
Subjects i.e. English, Mathematics i.e. English, Mathematics and


and Integrated Science. Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum Grades Credits (A1  C6) in three Elective Credits (A  D) in three Electives
Subjects. Subjects.

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