About Prof. Robert E. Hinson Research

About Prof. Robert E. Hinson Research.

Prof. Robert E. Hinson Reseach

Research :

Prof. Hinson’s research interests are focused within the fields of financial services management, e-business, SME marketing practices and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in developing economy context. Specific topics include M-commerce and Mobile banking, Entrepreneurial marketing, online brand disposition and CSR among multinational enterprises.
Current research projects
CSR of MNEs in agrifood sector
In the recent more globalized economy, multinational enterprises (MNEs) have come under increased pressure from various stakeholders; governments, consumers, the media e.t.c to pursue CSR policies and practices. MNEs in the agrifood sector a particularly prone to these pressures. This is as a result of the sector’s immense dependence on natural resources and considerable effect on the environment. This study is designed to shed light on the CSR undertaken in the agri-food sector focusing on strategic role, implementation and effects on stakeholders in developing country context.

CSR and employer attractiveness
Evidence from scholarly literature reveals alternating positive and negative stakeholder response to CSR initiatives of firms. These results have been observed to vary across industry and stakeholder groups as well as variations based on company and individual characteristics. There is therefore a need for increased studies into the various dimensions of stakeholder response so as to clarify the mechanism by which CSR generates stakeholders’ response to CSR. This study investigates stakeholders’ perception of CSR and its role in fostering positive stakeholder response in form of attraction to a firm as a potential employee.


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