TWAS Regional Prize in Science Diplomacy for Scientists in sub-Saharan African Countries 2018

TWAS Regional Prize in Science Diplomacy for Scientists in sub-Saharan African Countries 2018.
TWAS-SAREP seeks to honour an outstanding scientist who has collaborated on trans-boundary research projects contributing to, or made possible by, good international relations in the developing world.

Application Deadline: 20th August 2018.
Eligible Countries: sub-Saharan African countries
About the Award: The ideal candidate must have made significant contributions to the application of diplomacy in Science and Technology to industry or to human well-being in the developing world. Awareness creation of ‘Science Diplomacy’ in the research and diplomatic communities is of critical importance in Africa. Steady Intergovernmental relations contribute and can be viewed as a guarantor of successful research collaborations. This builds trust amongst diverse and various stakeholders in developing countries.
Type: Award

  • Nominees must be nationals of countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Nominees must have made significant contributions to the application of diplomacy in Science and Technology to industry or to human well-being in the developing world.
  • Nominees must be scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years.Selection: Selection of the awardee will be based on recommendations of a Selection Committee comprising TWAS Fellows in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Number of Awards: 1
    Value of Award: The award comprises an award certificate with a citation on the winner’s scientific achievement, as well as a cash prize of 3000 USD. The winner will be formally announced at the Annual TWAS General Assembly and Conference. TWAS-SAREP will award the prize at suitable event thereafter. TWAS will also ensure that winners of the prize (every four years) are nominated for the AAAS Science Diplomacy Prize.
    How to Apply: 

    • Nominations are invited from TWAS and AAS fellows, fellows/members of National Academies and Young Academies in the region, Research Institutions, Research Councils and Universities in the region.
    • The nomination of women and scientists from Science & Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) is highly encouraged.
    • Self-nominations will not be considered.
    • Nominations accompanied by the Nomination Form (download) and all the relevant documents must be submitted to by 20 August 2018.

    Visit Programme Webpage for Details
    Award Providers: TWAS

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TWAS Regional Prize in Science Diplomacy for Scientists in sub-Saharan African Countries 2018

TWAS Regional Prize in Science Diplomacy for Scientists in sub-Saharan African Countries 2018.
TWAS-SAREP seeks to honour an outstanding scientist who has collaborated on trans-boundary research projects contributing to, or made possible by, good international relations in the developing world.

Application Deadline: 20th August 2018.
Eligible Countries: sub-Saharan African countries
About the Award: The ideal candidate must have made significant contributions to the application of diplomacy in Science and Technology to industry or to human well-being in the developing world. Awareness creation of ‘Science Diplomacy’ in the research and diplomatic communities is of critical importance in Africa. Steady Intergovernmental relations contribute and can be viewed as a guarantor of successful research collaborations. This builds trust amongst diverse and various stakeholders in developing countries.
Type: Award

  • Nominees must be nationals of countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Nominees must have made significant contributions to the application of diplomacy in Science and Technology to industry or to human well-being in the developing world.
  • Nominees must be scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years.Selection: Selection of the awardee will be based on recommendations of a Selection Committee comprising TWAS Fellows in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Number of Awards: 1
    Value of Award: The award comprises an award certificate with a citation on the winner’s scientific achievement, as well as a cash prize of 3000 USD. The winner will be formally announced at the Annual TWAS General Assembly and Conference. TWAS-SAREP will award the prize at suitable event thereafter. TWAS will also ensure that winners of the prize (every four years) are nominated for the AAAS Science Diplomacy Prize.
    How to Apply: 

    • Nominations are invited from TWAS and AAS fellows, fellows/members of National Academies and Young Academies in the region, Research Institutions, Research Councils and Universities in the region.
    • The nomination of women and scientists from Science & Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) is highly encouraged.
    • Self-nominations will not be considered.
    • Nominations accompanied by the Nomination Form (download) and all the relevant documents must be submitted to by 20 August 2018.

    Visit Programme Webpage for Details
    Award Providers: TWAS

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