University of Ghana Agriculture Engineering Courses – 3rd Edition

University of Ghana Agriculture Engineering Courses – 3rd Edition.
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AREN 408: Agro-Meteorology and ClimatologySolar radiation, short and long wave radiation, direct and diffuse radiation, Net radiation, measurement and estimation; radiation utilization in photosynthesis;  Energy balance/Bowen ratio; Evaporation and evapo-transpiration models; Soil temperatures;… AREN 406: Storage of Agricultural Products and Cold Chain ManagementChoice of systems for reception, storage and handling of agricultural produce, types of storage systems: construction details and design of systems, access roads, dust extractors, capacity of equipment, system selection and reliability. Grain storage methods…
AREN 405: Maintenance and Management of Agricultural MachineryDefects of farm machinery (wear and breakages); instruments to measure defects; materials for repairs; diagnostic testing; bench work, blacksmithing and welding; repair and maintenance of farm equipment (tractors, tillage equipment, harvesting equipment, etc… AREN 404: Irrigation and Drainage EngineeringWater for irrigation – surface and ground water quality and water flow rate; types, performance and selection criterion for pumps, irrigation requirements and scheduling, farm irrigation systems design, surface sprinkler, trickle, subsurface and surface…
AREN 403: Rural EngineeringLand and water use planning; planning and design of rural houses, rural roads, village drainage systems, waste disposal and sanitary structures, integrated rural energy planning and development; rural electrification. AREN 402: Technology of Tractor and ImplementTractor and implement, construction and operational features transmission systems, implement attachment and control, tractive performance, traction aid, performance and efficiency indices, soil compaction and smear, tractor design and function, tractor…
AREN 401: Farm Machine DesignQuick reminder of stress and strain analysis and theories of failure. Factor of safety, stress concentration, design of machine elements like shafts and axles, couplings, riveted joints, welded joints, bolted joints. Product specification and selection of… AREN 400: ProjectStudents work independently on original project under the direction of their approved advisor, make an oral presentation at a seminar, prepare and submit thesis for approval
AREN 314: Internship (Industrial practice III)( Prerequisite: Level 300 standingThird year attachment with industry. AREN 312: Energy and Power Utilization on FarmsPrinciples and stages of agriculture mechanization (reference to Ghana) Mechanized activities in crop production. Power sources on farm: human, animal, wind, water solar energy, bio-energy, Internal combustion engines (I.C.E.): petrol and diesel engines….


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