University of Ghana (UG) Agriculture Engineering Courses Offered

University of Ghana, UG Agriculture Engineering Courses: list of Agriculture Engineering Courses available at University of Ghana.
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FPEN 409: Engineering and Design of Food Process III – Plant Products (See Department of Food Process Engineering)Departmental Requirements for B.Sc. Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
In addition to the University and Faculty requirements to graduate with a B.Sc. Engineering (Agricultural) a student must pass the following courses not lower than “D”:…
FAEN 402: Principles of Management & EntrepreneurshipIntroduction: Definition of management. Evolution and Perspectives of Management: classical, human relations and management science. Hierarchy of Management, Managerial roles and Management Styles.  Inside and Outside an Organisation:  adapting to…
FAEN 401: Law for EngineersCourse discussions cover contracts (formation, performance, breach, and termination), corporations and partnerships, insurance, professional liability, risk management, environmental law, torts, property law, evidence and dispute resolution.  The course… FAEN 302: Statistics for Engineers Prerequisites: FAEN 201, FAEN 202, FAEN 301Probability functions axioms and rules, counting techniques, conditional probability, independence and mutually exclusive events. Discrete Random Variable: Expectation and variance, Binomial distribution, Hypergeometric distribution, Poisson distribution,…
FAEN 302: Statistics for Engineers Prerequisites: FAEN 201, FAEN 202, FAEN 301Probability functions axioms and rules, counting techniques, conditional probability, independence and mutually exclusive events. Discrete Random Variable: Expectation and variance, Binomial distribution, Hypergeometric distribution, Poisson distribution,… FAEN 301: Numerical Methods Prerequisites: FAEN 101, FAEN 110, FAEN 201Matrices and vector operations, linear homogeneous systems, Eigen-vectors and values. Numerical errors, absolute and relative errors, stability and convergence of numerical algorithms. Interpolation Methods: Lagrange polynomials, finite differences, least…
FAEN 206: Technical Report WritingAudience Analysis, Types of Genres, Preparing an outline. Referencing and Documentation. Illustrations: table and figures, bar charts, graphs, organization charts, flow sheets, drawing and photographs. Research proposal writing, Technical Style: use of… FAEN 205: ThermodynamicsFundamental concepts of thermodynamics. First and second Laws of Thermodynamics and their applications. Properties of Substances: Properties of pure, simple and compressible substances. Introduction to Gas and Vapor Power Cycles.
FAEN 204: Fluid MechanicsIntroduction: nature of fluids, analysis of fluid behaviour, viscosity, surface tension and capillary effects. Fluid Statics: hydrostatic forces on submerged plane and curved surfaces; buoyancy and stability; Elementary Fluid Dynamics: static, dynamic and… FAEN 203: Strength of MaterialsIntroduction: Basic concepts of material bonding, material structure and material defects.  Properties of Materials: Mechanical properties, thermal properties, electronic and ionic conductivity of materials, dielectric and

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