List of UPSA Masters Courses & Entry Requirements

UPSA Masters Courses: List of University of Professional Studies, Accra Masters Courses & Admission Entry Requirements.
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university of professional studies, Accra Masters Courses

The School of Graduate Studies (SOGS) of the University of Professional Studies; the only accredited Public Professional and Academic University in Ghana, invites qualified applicants to enroll in the following focused global and corporate tailored professional Masters’ Degree Programmes:

  1. MBA in Accounting and Finance
  2. MBA in Auditing
  3. MBA in Internal Auditing
  4. MBA in Corporate Governance
  5. MBA in Marketing
  6. MBA in Petroleum Accounting and Finance
  7. MBA in Total Quality Management
  8. MPhil /MSc in Leadership

Master Of Business Administration (MBA) In Accounting And Finance
Programme Objectives:
The Programme is designed to prepare successful applicants to strategically manage their organisations’ financial and other key resources. The aim is to develop the graduate students’knowledge in key financial areas, while developing their business and leadership skills, which can only be acquired by earning an advanced degree at UPSA. Accounting and Finance managers and leaders in all sectors as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment are encouraged to apply.
The uniqueness of the Programme lies in its flexibility and practical emphasis without compromising  academic  research  and  rigour.  The  modern  state-of-the-art  lecture theatres and facilities coupled with electronic learning materials with wireless internet connectivity, as well as electronic library facilities provide students with an exclusive environment that facilitate advanced teaching and learning in a comfortable setting.
Target Applicants:
These include practising accountants, finance managers, and management accountants in all sectors, national and international organisations staff as well as students.
Duration of Programme: 24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the MBA Accounting and Finance programme must:
Have a good first degree from a recognised and accredited ….university/institution preferably second class lower or better in ….accounting/ finance or,
Have  relevant  recognized  full  professional  qualification  (Chartered  …level)  eg.ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB or,
International applicants with a first degree equivalent and English …proficiency can apply for consideration.
Master Of Business Administration In Auditing
Programme Objectives:
This Programme is designed to prepare successful applicants to develop an understanding and appreciation of the values of the auditing process and the need to maintain ethical standards in the application of auditing practice. The programme focuses on knowledge and skills for systems and operations auditing.
The uniqueness of the programme lies in its flexibility and practical emphasis without compromising academic research and rigour. The state-of-the-art lecture theatres and facilities coupled with electronic learning materials for simulating real life situations and the use of computer assisted auditing tools and other computer programmes are available to  provide  graduate students  with  an  exclusive  learning environment  that  facilitates advance hands-on experience in a comfortable setting.
Target Applicants:
Accounting and finance managers, internal and external auditors and leaders in all sectors as  well  as  aspiring  graduate  students  who  want  to  be  more  effective  in  today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in the field of Auditing, are encouraged to apply.
Duration: 24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the MBA in Auditing programme must:
Have a good first degree from a recognized and accredited university/institution preferably second class lower or better with accounting background or,
Have  relevant  recognised  full  professional  qualification  (Chartered  level)  eg. ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB.
International applicants with first degree equivalent and English proficiency can apply for consideration.
The Master of Business Administration in Internal Auditing is designed to meet high level academic and professional needs of the public and private sectors of the economy. The curriculum places much emphasis on understanding the concepts and approaches to audit, investigations, assurance services, consulting services and on developing skills to apply to the underlying concepts and approaches to professional services.
The purpose of the programme is to equip graduates with practical knowledge in internal auditing to develop, implement, evaluate and improve institutions internal controls to serve as catalyst for checks and balances to maximise the value of firms. The programme will also prepare graduates towards professional Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Certification or its affiliated qualifications.
Programme Content:
Principles of Internal Auditing, Public Sector Auditing, Conduct of an Audit and Audit Reporting, Information Systems and Fraud, Information Systems Auditing, Managing the Internal Audit Function, Total Quality Management/Quality Improvement Programme, Organisational Behaviour  & Management, Fundamentals of Accounting,  Information Technology,   Corporate   Governance,   Public   Sector   Accounting   &   Regulatory Framework, Financial Management, Communication Skills, Business Statistics and Research Methods, Global Business environment & Managerial Economics, Taxation, Business Process & Enterprise Risk Management, Strategic Management, Internship/Seminar/Practitioners’ Forum, Project Work
Target Audience:
Corporate accounting executives, practising auditors of private and public institutions, managers of financial institutions, executive and partners of audit agencies, audit consultants, as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in Internal Auditing are encouraged to apply
Duration:  24 months
Employment Prospects:
Upon completion of the MBA in Internal Auditing programme, participants could be employed as Internal Auditors in financial institutions, academic institutions, non- governmental  organisations,  corporate  bodies,  international  institutions,  international civil service, local government and other related institutions, agencies and departments
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the MBA in Internal Auditing must:
Have a good first degree from a recognised and accredited … preferably second class lower or better in any …..discipline or
Have relevant recognized full professional qualification (Chartered level) ACCA,CA,ICAG,ICSA,CPA and CIMA or,
International applicants with first degree equivalent and English …proficiency can apply for consideration.
Master Of Business Administration In Corporate Governance
Programme Objectives:
The programme is designed to equip students and professionals with essential knowledge and skills involved in dispensing the functions of governance in organisations as well as advising the Board and leading teams on the best practice of governance. The programme also  examines  issues  pertaining  to  compliance  with  laws  and  regulations,  efficient internal communication and dissemination of information to and from the Board and responsibility for continuing self-development in Corporate Governance as a professional practitioner among others.
Target Applicants:
Administrative managers, managers in non-governmental organisations, politicians, Company and  Board secretaries,  officers in  the  Registry of tertiary institutions,  and leaders in all sectors as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in the field of Corporate Governance, are encouraged to apply.
Duration: 24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the MBA Corporate Governance programme must:
Have a good first degree from a recognised and accredited ….university/institution preferably second class lower or better in any ….discipline or,
Have  relevant  recognised  full  professional  qualification  (Chartered  …level)  eg. ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB or,
International applicants with first degree equivalent and English ….proficiency can apply for consideration.
Master Of Business Administration In Marketing
Programme Objectives:
The programme is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills involved in the practice of marketing in international and local organisations and to ensure that students are adequately equipped to create a marketing-led organisation and produce marketers who would be responsible for continuing self-development in marketing.
Target Applicants:
Corporate marketing executives, managers in non-governmental organisations, corporate managers, academics, and managers of academic institutions, consultants, researchers,pharmacists, and leaders in all sectors as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in Marketing are encouraged to apply.
Duration: 24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the MBA in Marketing programmes must:
Have  a  good  first  degree  from  a  recognised  university/institution …preferably second class lower or better in any discipline or,
Have relevant recognized full professional qualification   (Chartered …level) Eg.CIM or,
International  applicants  with  first  degree  equivalent  and  English  …language proficiency can apply for consideration or,
Have other qualifications with relevant working experience.
Master Of Business Administration In Petroleum Accounting And Finance
The MBA Petroleum Accounting and Finance programme of the University of Professional Studies, Accra is designed to meet high level academic and professional needs of the public and private sectors of the economy, particularly, the petroleum and gas sector. The programme will prepare students to assume a larger role in managing their organisations’ operations as well as develop their expertise in the key financial areas of the petroleum industry. The curriculum places much emphasis on the improvement of the business manager’s ability to handle with professionalism the various financial problems confronting businesses in the petroleum and gas industry. Students will be equipped with modules and concepts to effectively deal with financial issues and analyses of opportunities in the petroleum and gas sector.
Programme Content:
Introduction to Petroleum Finance and Accounting, Fundamentals of Petroleum, Applied Statistics & Energy Economics, Petroleum Finance and Economics, Management Information Systems, Risk Management, Petroleum Policy and Strategic Resource Management, Legal Framework in Oil & Gas Management in Ghana, Environmental Management & Auditing for Oil and Gas Industry, Accounting for Production Activities
& Revenue, Corporate Finance, Financial Management for Oil & Gas Operation, Investment   and Portfolio Management, Accounting for International Petroleum Operations, Financial Modeling and Petroleum Project Economics, Petroleum Taxation
&  Fiscal  Systems,  Research  Methods,  Management  Accounting  for  Oil  &  Gas Operations, Total Quality Management and Quality Improvement programme, Corporate Governance and Natural Resource Management, Internship/Seminars/Practitioners’ Forum, Project Work
Target Applicants:
Corporate accounting executives, managers in petroleum industry, corporate managers, academics, consultants, researchers, as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in Petroleum Accounting and Finance are encouraged to apply.
Duration:  24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants  seeking  admission  into  the  MBA  in  Petroleum  Accounting  and  Finance
programme must:
Have a good first degree from a recognised and accredited … preferably second class lower or better in …..accounting/finance or,
Have  relevant  recognized  full  professional  qualification  (Chartered  … level)  eg. ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB or,
International  applicants  with  first  degree  equivalent  and  English  …Language proficiency can apply for consideration.
Master Of Business Administration In Total Quality Management
The MBA in Total Quality Management (TQM) Programme is a blended learning programme of the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Professional Studies, Accra. The aim of the Programme is to groom effective leaders who can support the development and growth of their organizations through the principles and philosophy of Total Quality Management. The Programme was developed with inputs from the Chartered Quality Institute, UK (CQI-UK).
The MBA in Total Quality Management is designed to meet high level academic and professional needs of managers in both the public and private sectors. At the end of the programme, graduates will acquire skills that can transform their organisation’s management practices to the standards of international best practices for sustainable excellence and long term success. The programme also seeks to prepare students to assume higher roles in integrating organisational functions and processes to create value to meet changing customer needs that would result in a sustained competitive edge.
Programme Content:
Using Quality to Improve Business  Performance,   Quality Planning and Assurance, Quality in Documentation and Information Management, Quality in the Supply Chain, Technology of Quality Management, Quality Management Systems Model (with emphasis on ISO 9001 implementation),  Management Systems Audit, Managing People and Work Environment in Quality, Legal Aspects of Business, Financial Management for Leaders, Economics for Managers, Organisational Behaviour and Management, Corporate Governance  & Business  Ethics, Quantitative Techniques for Management Decisions, Management  Information  Systems,  Production  &  Operations  Management,    Project Work, Business Development & Entrepreneurship, Strategic Leadership, Business Research Methods.
Target Applicants:
Managers of academic institutions, consultants, researchers, practising managers from both private and public organizations, pharmacists, production managers, quality managers,   marketing managers, procurement officers,   medical officers, blood bank officers, security officers, bankers, heads of units in manufacturing, construction, as well as aspiring graduate students who want to be more effective in today’s challenging business environment by acquiring an advanced qualification in Total Quality Management are encouraged to apply.
Duration:  24 months
Employment Prospects:
Upon completion of the MBA in TQM Programme, graduates could be employed as
heads of quality assurance directorates of banks, security agencies, manufacturing firms, constructions firms, academic institutions as well as managers of local and international research institutions, non-governmental organisations, corporate bodies, international institutions, international civil service, local government and other related institutions, ministries, agencies and departments.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the TQM must:
Have a good first degree from a recognised and accredited … preferably second class lower or better  in any …..discipline or,
Have  relevant  recognised  full  professional  qualification  (Chartered  …level)  eg. ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB, CQI, CIM, ICSA and CMI or,
International  applicants  with  first  degree  equivalent  and  English  …Language proficiency can apply for consideration
Master Of Philosophy/Master Of Science In Leadership
The Master Of Science Programme
The Master of Science in Leadership Programme is a blended learning programme of the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Professional Studies, Accra. The Programme is intended to develop leaders with a global impact.   The Programme was developed with inputs from leaders of global operations of a variety of public, private and non-profit / non-governmental organisations.
The  Programme  is  designed  for  those  working  in,  or  interested  in  working  in organisations such as embassies, high commissions, international non-governmental organisations, corporations doing business in the global market, governments, public sector officials, and the security services.
The purpose of the Master of Science in Leadership Programme is to produce exceptional leaders. This blended Master’s Degree Programme is one of its kind in the country and provides opportunities for adults to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will equip them to perform creatively, ethically and effectively within their organisations. The programme also empowers those who want to learn in a way that creates value and brings about a constructive difference with their presence.
The  Programme  has  been  designed  flexibly without  compromising  on  the  academic rigour and at the same time, made to suit the busy schedules of participants. Participants are presented with online library and interaction with local and international faculties. Online streaming video lectures and outstanding communication between faculty and students bring to life the classroom situation, offering an educational experience that no text-based degree programme can match. To make it truly international, courses are taught by a team of international faculty made of local, American, European, Indian and career diplomats to bring global perspective to bear on the programme. This is to enable students explore the added advantage of diversity of views and experiences. The Programme is a learning-based model and not a teaching and assessment-based model.
Programme Content:
Fundamentals of Leadership, International Culture and Communication, Corporate Governance, Administrative Law, Financial Management for Leaders, Organisational Development, Strategic Leadership, Understanding the Global Economy, Leading People and Managing Organisations, Ethics in Management, Project Management and Research Methods.
Target Audience:
The target audiences for the programme are practising managers and leaders   in the private and public sectors as well as members of parliament, ministers, metropolitan, municipal and district chief executives and co-ordinating directors, directors in the civil service, managers in non-governmental organisations, practising lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, security officers and aspiring graduate students.
Employment Prospects:
Upon completion of the Master of Science in Leadership Programme, participants could be employed in various management positions in corporate bodies, non-governmental organisations, international institutions, international civil service, local government and other related institutions, agencies and departments.
Duration:  24 months
Entry Requirements:
Applicants seeking admission into the Master of Science in Leadership Programme must:
Have a good first degree from a recognized and accredited … preferably second class lower or better in any …..discipline  or,
Have  relevant  recognised  full  Professional  qualification  (Chartered  …level)  eg. ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIB) or,    International applicants …with first degree equivalent and English  Language proficiency can …apply for consideration
The MPhil Option of the Leadership Programme
The Master of Philosophy in Leadership is similar to the Master of Science in Leadership option except that it is a research-based Programme for those wishing to have an added advantage of working in the academic environment or any of the other organisations listed in the Master of Science in Leadership option.
Duration: 24 months
Target Audience:
Academics,  leaders,  managers  of  academic  institutions,  consultants,  researchers  and, practising managers in all sectors.
Employment Prospects:

Upon completion of the MPhil in Leadership Programme, applicants could be employed in academic institutions as lecturers, deans, researchers as well as managers of local and international research institutions, non-governmental organizations, corporate bodies, international institutions, international civil service, local government and other related institutions, agencies and departments.

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