WASSCE and SSCE Holders into 2018/2019 Basic Nursing Programmes Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements for WASSCE and SSCE Holders into Basic Nursing Programmes for the 2018/2019 academic year. Basic Nursing Programmes 2018/2019 Entry Requirements for WASSCE and SSCE Holders.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council has released the Official entry requirements for WASSCE and SSCE holders into the Nursing and Midwifery Training colleges to study BASIC NURSING PROGRAMMES for the 2018/19 Academic Year and beyond.
The entry requirements are subjected to changes in subsequent years.

The entry requirements for Basic Nursing P holders include:
Credits (A1-C6) in three core subjects i.e. English, Mathematics and Integrated Science.
Credits (A1-C6) in three Electives Subjects
The entry requirements for Basic Nursing Programmes for SSCE holders include:

Credits (A-D) in three core subjects i.e. English, Mathematics and Integrated Science
Credits (A-D) in three Electives Subjects.

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