See (8) Proven Ways To Start Your Week With Productivity

See (8) Proven Ways To Start Your Week With Productivity
Mondays stand in their own league as days of uncertainty; anxiety and a weird type of fatigue even after you think you had enough sleep over the weekend. Let’s get to the root of Monday blues; it probably began with schooldays for most people. That teacher who scared the wits out of you probably set the ball rolling.

But as some psychologists have pointed out, it probably boils down to how you have been conditioned: we all expect Mondays to be hectic and Fridays to be easy, which of course is not always true. However, most people agree something has to be done about Monday.
Ways To Start Your Monday With Productivity
1. Work in Advance
To help combat that Monday morning anxiety, be sure to leave yourself as few dreadful tasks as possible on Friday afternoon, says an article by Rita Freida in And by taking care of the things you least want to handle at the end of one work week, you’re making the start of the next that much better.”
If you do have any unpleasant tasks awaiting your attention Monday morning, get them done as early as possible so that you don’t spend the rest of the day procrastinating or “feeling as if there’s a black cloud hanging over your head,” she says. “Make that uncomfortable phone call, resolve that outstanding issue, or clean up that mess that’s waiting for you. You’ll feel a lot better once it’s over.”
2. Draw Motivation From Music
Need some extra motivation during work? Put on some upbeat music, and let it lift your mood. Music is pretty well known for altering moods, and if you’re in a slump, some music should help lift your spirits. Try not to let the music affect your workflow, though.
There is nothing worse than getting caught in the middle of a cool song when there is something you should be doing.
3. Plan a Special Evening After Work
Planning a Special Evening after work is another good way to help you get over that Monday slump. Either a night out with some good friends — just make time after work for yourself. This is another way to give you something to look forward to throughout your work day.

4. Make a Schedule
If you can at least make a schedule for your Monday, and stick to it, it’ll make it a lot easier to get through it. There is nothing worse than trying to go through a dreadful day with no direction, so a schedule can give you some sort of direction of work flow. Try not to get too fancy with it, though. You do not want to overload yourself, especially in the beginning of the week.
5. Prioritize your work
If you go into work with a bunch of work on your desk, try to prioritize your workflow, to make it easier to get done. Try to keep your Monday work simple if you can, so you are not overloading yourself on the first day during the week.
6. Prepare for Monday with a lazy Sunday
The best way you can beat Monday blues is with a lazy Sunday. Rather than trying to do all of your housework, yard work, etc. on Sunday, spend that day relaxing either alone, or with your family. You work hard, so you deserve to do nothing every now and then. By doing this, you’ve given yourself a whole day to rest up for your Monday, and chances are it’ll make your whole week a lot easier as well.
7. Pre-plan for the weekend
Even though it may seem like a long time away, but start planning your weekend early. Again, it will give you something to look forward to, and to work towards all week.

For the best results possible, try combining some of these tips together, and maximize your Monday. Try to not let your Mondays get the best of you. Think of it as a new week of opportunity, and you want to start it strong right off of the start.


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