Prof. Robert E. Hinson Journal Publications

About Prof. Robert E. Hinson Journal Publications.

Prof. Robert E. Hinson Journal Publications

Journal Publications:

Hinson, R. E., Madichie, N. O., & Ibrahim, M. (2012). A dialogic communications interrogation of the online brand dispositions of banks operating in Ghana. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30(7), 508-526.
Blankson, C., Spears, N., & Hinson, R. E. (2012). West African Immigrants’ Perceptions of Advertising in General and Impact on Buying Decisions. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 24(3), 168-185.
Gbadamosi, A., Hinson, R. E., Tukamushaba, E. K., & Ingunjiri, I. (2012). Children’s attitudinal reactions to TV advertisements. International Journal of Market Research, 54(4).
Kuada, J., & Hinson, R. E. (2012). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of foreign and local companies in Ghana. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(4), 521-536.
Mahmoud, M., & Hinson, R. (2012). Market orientation, innovation and corporate social responsibility practices in Ghana’s telecommunication sector. Social Responsibility Journal, 8(3), 327 – 346.
Mahmoud M., & Hinson, R. (2012). Market orientation in a developing economy public institution: revisiting the Kohli and Jaworski framework. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 25(2), 88 – 102.
Hinson, R. E., & Kodua, P. (2012). Examining the marketing-corporate social responsibility nexus. International Journal of Law and Management, 54(5), 332-344.
Hinson, R., Owusu-Frimpong, N., & Dasah, J. (2011). Brands and service-quality perception. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 29(3), 264-283.
Hinson, R. E. (2011). Banking the poor: The role of mobiles. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 15(4), 320-333.
Hinson, R. (2011). Internet Browsing Behavior of Executive Postgraduate Students. Information Development, 27(3), 176-185.
Hinson, R. E., & Ndhlovu, T. P. (2011). Conceptualising corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate social investment (CSI): the South African context. Social Responsibility Journal, 7(3), 332-346.
Hinson, R. (2011). Online CSR reportage of award-winning versus non award-winning banks in Ghana. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 9(2), 102-115
Hinson, R., & Tweneboah-Koduah, E. Y. (2010). Political Marketing Strategies in Africa: Expert Opinions of Recent Political Elections in Ghana. Journal of African Business, 11(2), 201-218.
Hinson, R., Boateng, R., & Madichie, N. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility activity reportage on bank websites in Ghana. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28(7), 498-518.
Hinson, R. (2010). The value chain and e-business in exporting: Case studies from Ghana’s non-traditional export (NTE) sector. Telematics and Informatics 27, 323 – 340.
Hinson, R. E., & Adjasi, C. K. (2009). The internet and export: some cross-country evidence from selected African countries. Journal of Internet Commerce, 8(3-4), 309-324.
Ivang, R., Rask, M., & Hinson, R. (2009). B2b inter-organizational digitalization strategies – towards an interaction based approach. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 3(4), 244-261. (2010 Emerald Literati Outstanding paper Award, Emerald Publishing Limited, United Kingdom)
Saffu, K., Walker, J. H., & Hinson, R. (2008). Strategic value and electronic commerce adoption among small and medium-sized enterprises in a transitional economy. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 23(6), 395-404.
Boateng, R., Heeks, R., Molla, A., & Hinson, R. (2008). E-commerce and socio-economic development: conceptualizing the link. Internet Research, 18(5), 562-594.
Hinson, R., Boateng, R., & Sorenson, O. (2008). E-business financing: Preliminary insights from a developing economy context. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 6(3), 196-215
Boateng, R., Heeks, R., Molla, A., & Hinson, R. (2008). E-commerce and socio-economic development: Conceptualizing the link. Internet Research, 18(5), 562-594.
Hinson, R., & Nkrumah, G. A. (2007). Towards a Sustainable Framework for Computer Based Health Information Systems (CHIS) for Least Developed Countries (LDCs). International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 20(6), 532-544
Boadi, A., Boateng, R., Hinson, R., & Opoku, R. (2007). Preliminary insights into M-Commerce adoption in Ghana. Information Development, 23, 253-265.
Saffu, K., Walker, J., & Hinson, R. (2007). An empirical study of perceived strategic value and adoption constructs: The Ghanaian case. Management Decision, 45(7), 1083-1101.
Ofori, D. F., & Hinson, R. E. (2007). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspectives of leading firms in Ghana. Corporate Governance, 7(2), 178-193. (2008 Emerald Literati Highly Commended paper Award, Emerald Publishing Limited, United Kingdom)
Hinson, R., & Sorensen, O. (2006). E-business and small Ghanaian exporters: preliminary micro firm explorations in the light of a digital divide. Online Information Review, 30(2), 116-138.
Hinson, R. (2006). The internet for academics: Towards a holistic adoption model” Online Information Review, 30(5), 542-554.
Opoku, R., & Hinson, R. (2006). Online brand personalities: An exploratory analysis of selected African countries. Place Branding & Public Diplomacy Journal, 2(2), 118-129.
Hinson, R., & Abor, J. (2005). Internationalizing SME Non–Traditional Exporters and their internet use idiosyncrasies. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 4(2), 228 – 244.

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