UG Legon New Grading System: Check University of Ghana Grading System Here

UG Legon New Grading System: Check University of Ghana Grading System Here > Feature in this post is How to calculate UG CCT, CCP, GPA, FGPA, GPT and University of Ghana, UG New Grading System. See more details below.
UG Legon New Grading System

Grading is important in every educational institution as it helps to rank the students and determine how each performs at the end of the study period. UG Legon new grading system has been set to rank the students graduating from the university in this academic year. It is this set system that gives a first class to one student, a second class upper, lower or pass to another.

University of Ghana, UG Grading System

Student performance in a course shall be graded as follows:
Letter Grade                   Marks                      Grade Point                Interpretation
A                                      80 – 100                         4.0                             Outstanding
B+                                    75 – 79                           3.5                             Very Good
B                                       70 – 74                          3.0                             Good
C+                                     65 – 69                          2.5                             Fairly Good
C                                       60 – 64                          2.0                             Average
D+                                     55 – 59                          1.5                             Below Average
D                                        50 – 54                         1.0                             Marginal Pass
E                                         45-49                           0.5                             Unsatisfactory
F                                         0 – 44                            0                                Fail
Note: *Although this is a failure grade, it may still be accepted as fulfilling prerequisite for other courses.
Other Grades
Grade                            Interpretation                            Grade Point
X                                     Fail                                                      0
Z                                     Disqualification                                 0
I                                      Incomplete                                         0
Y                                     Continuing                                         0
AUDI                              Audit                                                   0

How to Calculate Grade Point (GP):

Each Grade is assigned an equivalent grade point as indicated above. The number of (grade) points earned by a student, for each course completed, is computed as the product of the number of credits for the course and the grade point equivalent letter of the grade obtained in that course.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): The student’s cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained, up to any specified time, by the total number for credits of all courses for which the student has registered up to that time.
Final Grade Point Average (FGPA): The FGPA is the CGPA for all courses under consideration calculated up to the end of a student’s academic programme.

  • Pass Grades: Grades A to D constitute Pass grades.
    Failure Grades: Grades E, F, X, Z constitute Failure grades.
    Continuing: A grade Y (for Continuing) shall be awarded at the end of a semester to any student who is taking a course which continues into the next semester.

A grade AUDI shall be awarded for attendance at lectures where no examination is taken, or where an examination is taken, but no mark can be returned, for good reasons. The Grade AUDI is not taken into account in the calculation of the FGPA.
Non-Completion of Course:
i. A grade I (for Incomplete) shall be awarded to a student who is unable to complete a course for reasons adjudged by the Board of Examiners as satisfactory. Such a student shall be expected to complete the course the very next time the course is available.
ii. A grade X shall be awarded to a student who is unable to complete a course for reasons adjudged by the Board of Examiners as unsatisfactory.
i. A grade Z denotes Disqualification from an examination as a result of an examination malpractice or offence, and shall be awarded whenever it is established that a candidate had attempted to gain an unfair advantage in an examination, be it in a Principal subject or an Ancillary or any other paper.
ii. A candidate awarded a grade Z may be debarred from taking a University Examination for a stated period, or indefinitely, or may be expelled from the University altogether.
iii. A grade Z may be awarded only by the Board of Examiners.


• This is for the total semesters a student has taken examinations in the university
• All levels carry equal weight
• CGPA= Total GPTs of all courses taken/ Total Number of Credits of all courses taken
• Assuming you’ve taken examination in Level 400 second semester, the GPTs and Credits will be calculated from L100 first and second semesters L200 first and second semesters, L300 first and
second semesters and L400 first and second semesters.

How to Calculate UG Legon FGPA

This is a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your Final Grade Point Average (FGPA).


Terminologies in the Official Transcript from UG

  1. CCT– Cumulative Credits Taken
  2. CCP– Cumulative Credits Passed
  3. GPA– Grade Point Average
  4. FGPA– Final Grade Point Average
  5. GPT– Grade Point


  • This is the sum of all credit hours in courses taken
  • It is usually based on course codes and not course titles
  • It is calculated once.


  • This is the sum of all credit hours of passed courses
  • Passed grades do not include grades E and F
  • Grades A to D are calculated here


  • GPAs are semester specific
  • GPA= Total GPT/Total Credit


Code Credit        Grade      GPT
PHCL101 3 C+ 7.50
SOCI121 3 B 9.00
SREL111 3 B+ 10.50
UGRC120 3 A 12.00
UGRC140 3 B+ 10.50

Total GPT=49.5
• Total Credits= 15
• GPA= 49.5/15
GPA= 3.3


This is for the total semesters a student has taken  examinations in the university
• All levels carry equal weight
• CGPA= Total GPTs of all courses taken/ Total Number of Credits of all courses taken
• Assuming you’ve taken an examination in Level 400 second semester, the GPTs and Credits will be calculated from L100 first and second semesters, L200 first and second semesters, L300 first and second semesters and L400 first and second semesters.


GPAs for the various levels are recalculated
• All courses are calculated under their correct levels
• Every re-sit course is calculated the number of times it is taken. Assuming a student wrote UGRC120 in Level 100 and got a grade F, wrote again in level 200 and got an E and wrote finally in Level 300 and got an A the course will appear three times with its respective credits and GPTs.
A weighting of 1:1:2:2 is then assigned to all the levels. This means that L100 is 1, L200 is 1, L300 is 2 and L400 is 2
• Assuming after the recalculation we get GPAs for the various levels as follows:
L100- 3.20
L200- 3.60
L300- 2.90
L400- 3.00
Our FGPA will be calculated as below:
3.20× 1/6= 0.53
3.60 × 1/6= 0.60
2.90 × 2/6= 0.96
3.00 × 2/6= 1.00

FGPA= 0.53 + 0.60 + 0.96 + 1.00
= 3.09
Class: Second Class (Honours) Upper Division


All end-of-semester examination results from Level 100, including University and School required courses, shall be taken into account in the computation of the Final Grade Point Averages (FGPA) for the classification of the Bachelor’s degree.
The GPAs from Levels 100 to 400 shall be weighted as follows: 1:1:2:2
In the determination of the FGPA, a weighted average of all repeat courses shall be used.
The full scheme of classification shall read as follows:
Class of Degree                            Range of Final Grade Point Average (FGPA)

First Class                                               3.60-4.00
Second Class (Upper Division)             3.00-3.59
Second Class (Lower Division)             2.00-2.99
Third Class                                              1.50-1.99
Pass                                                          1.00-1.49
Fail                                                            0.00-0.99

A list of candidates who are deemed eligible as in Sections 30, 31 and 32 shall be laid before the Academic Board for approval. No award shall be confirmed unless the Academic Board is satisfied that the candidate has met all the conditions for the award of a degree.
Following confirmation of an award of a degree as in Section 32, the candidate shall be entitled to be awarded the appropriate Bachelor’s degree under the seal of the University at a Congregation of the University assembled for that purpose. The degree shall indicate the principal subject or subjects offered and the class awarded.

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